Rustic Sassafras Console - Tuesday's Daily Deal
Rustic Sassafras Console - Tuesday's Daily Deal
Check back daily to find our daily deal. Rember, each piece is one of a kind. And we only have one. Today's daily deal is a big beauty. Here in the South, many of have fond memories of trecking into the woods in the wintertime, in search of a sassafras tree. We'd locate it, dig down to find a small part of it's root, cut it out bring it in and boil it to make the most delicious tea there is. The smell of wonderful sassafras tea is one of my favorite memories. And now, the smell of sassafras wood being worked is a close second. Such a pleasure to work.
Most sassafras trees don't grow very large around here. This one was an obvious exception.
This Rustic Sassafras console 60" - dimensions. 60"L x 34"H 16"W 3.5" Th. It was $2000. We put a clearance price on it this weekend of $1000. And for the first person to email that you want it (today only) its $700. Of course, there will be additional shipping charges.