Maple Tree Identification

​maple tree identification

The tree species Acer (maple tree) can be found in the woods of North America, Europe, or eastern Asia.. Identifying a maple tree can be easy depending on the genus of the maple for there are a few whose leaves do not resemble the leaf on the Canadian flag.

Of the 128 genus, maples trees can grow up to 145 ft tall. Their leaves are classified as palmate (lobes radiating from the center) ranging from 3 to 9 veins or lobes. There are also short and/or shrub types that have leaves which differ greatly from their tree cousins. These pinnates (two rows of leaflets) have a main vein with 18-24 pairs of smaller veins and a serrated leaf edge. Some species are evergreen; heat and drought resistant, these are also pinnately styled. Their characteristics promote manipulation for Bonsai trees and ornamental landscaping. Autumn enthusiasts know them well by their vibrant colors.

maple tree​

Maples in North America are also know for their,.. you guessed it.. maple syrup. The sugar maple is the highest sugar content at 2%, and there are also red, black, silver and ash leaf maples that produce around 1%.
Other than for delicious syrup, the wood of maples in North America and Sycamore Maple in Europe have a hardness that is highly chosen. It is used for baseball bats, bowling ally lanes and pins and some species have desired wood grains used for furniture. This wood grain is mostly discovered after sawing, however there can be signs of it in the bark. Maple is also a tonewood. The neck, sides and back of many stringed instruments are of maple.
So next time you see one, say “Thank you Maple” as there are many things we all enjoy because of this wonderful tree!